Accent Translation for Clearer Calls

Offshore call centers boost KPIs with real time AI accent translation

BPOs and enterprise call centers gain a competitive edge by using AI to have agent accents better match the accent customers are used to hearing

  • Real time accent softening boosts trust and intelligibility, resulting in reduced handle times and callbacks
  • Lower hang up rates and increase revenue by having accented sales agent experience less negative customer bias
  • Improve hiring rates by onboarding capable accented job candidates

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    Elevate Offshore CX

    Translating the accent heard on calls is quickly becoming standard practice for offshore call centers. This technology is bridging the communication gap between offshore agents and customers, making conversations smoother and more easily understood. As a result, call centers are able to source talent from a broader pool of candidates in offshore markets without the typical limitations of being tied to language and accent.

    By eliminating the perception of language barriers, offshore centers more effectively compete with their onshore counterparts in delivering a high-quality customer experience. This shift does not only enhance customer satisfaction but also elevates the overall brand image for companies relying on offshore support. Accent translation technology is transforming the call center industry, making global talent acquisition more viable and profitable.

    Close the offshore gap

    Go far and wide offshoring while preserving a more native speaking style for agents.

    Boost Agent Happiness

    Translating the accent of agents through AI technology can significantly increase agent happiness at call centers by improving their interactions with customers. Agents often face frustration when they feel misunderstood or judged for their accent, leading to tense and unproductive calls. With accent translation, agents can focus on providing quality service without the stress of repeating themselves or dealing with customer bias based on their accent. This improvement in communication leads to higher job satisfaction, as agents feel more confident and appreciated for their skills rather than judged for how they speak. Ultimately, this happier work environment results in a more motivated workforce that is better equipped to deliver exceptional customer service.

    Reducing accent-related issues also addresses one of the leading causes of agent churn, which is notoriously high in the call center industry—often ranging from 30% to 40% annually . A significant driver of this churn is the abuse agents face from customers, especially when communication becomes difficult due to accent differences. By utilizing AI to make an agent’s accent sound more familiar to the customer, call centers can reduce these negative interactions, making the job less stressful and more enjoyable. This reduction in stressful encounters will likely lower turnover rates, helping call centers retain talent and reduce the costs associated with constant hiring and training.

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