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Prioritizing Call Center AI Solutions

AI is becoming pervasive across call centers. Call Center leaders need a a way to prioritize which AI solutions to implement first. Below we suggest a framework for them to consider for prioritizing such solutions.

Benefits per Call Center AI Solution

AI Solution Benefits

There are three primary areas where AI can help call centers improve:

Hire more offshore agents

Agent Superpowers

AI helping agents work better

Improve CSAT


AI customizing user experiences

Boost savings & sales


AI fully handling agent tasks

Each Call Center AI solution can be mapped as helping with one or more of these benefits.

Benefits Comparison

Call Center Solution Benefits Agent Superpowers Personalization Automation

Voice Filter

(Change accent or voice)

Improve customer’s comprehension & trust

Check Check

Call Summary

(Generate post call summary)

Automatically summarize and categorizes calls

Sometimes Check

Call Center Analytics

(Post call insights)

Used to train agents to get better results


Agent Assist

(Turn-by-turn help for agents)

Improve quality & speed of call agent responses

Check Check

Voice Virtual Agent

(Conversational IVR)

Automatically handle simpler calls

Check Check

Time to Launch

Each Call Center AI solution can also be compared based on the time it typically takes to get them launched. A solution might take more time due to the level of AI customization, low latency API support, and sunsetting of existing solutions.


3 to 6 months


6 to 12 months


Over 12 months

Time to Launch Comparison

Call Center Solution Benefits Time to launch Significant AI Customization Needed Low Latency APIs Needed Rip & Replace Likely

Voice Filter

(Change accent or voice)

Improve customer’s comprehension & trust


Call Summary

(Generate post call summary)

Automatically summarize and categorizes calls


Call Center Analytics

(Post call insights)

Used to train agents to get better results

Check Sometimes

Agent Assist

(Turn-by-turn help for agents)

Improve quality & speed of call agent responses

Check Check Check

Voice Virtual Agent

(Conversational IVR)

Automatically handle simpler calls

Check Check Check
Key Takeaway bg shape

Key Takeaway

Call centers looking to prioritize call center AI solutions to implement, might want to first implement solutions with the shortest time to scale. That includes voice filters, like the ones provides, and call summary. These solutions are quicker to roll out because they have:

  • Little to no AI model customization
  • No low latency APIs needed
  • Rarely a rip & replace needed

Once a call center shows quick wins with these AI solutions they can justify to executives additional budget for the other more time consuming and complex AI solutions.

Schedule a Voice Filter Demo

Schedule a demo of the voice filter. The solution softens the accent of offshore agents in real time and provides multiple benefits.

Support calls benefits

  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Reduce handle time
  • Reduce callbacks

Sales calls benefits

  • Reduce hangups
  • Increase conversions
  • Grow revenues
Request Demo

Schedule a demo of the voice filter. The solution softens the accent of offshore