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How to Maximize Trial Success
You should follow this playbook to maximize your success during the two-week free trial period.
Week 1 – Mic Checks and Test Install
In the first week of the trial, it is recommended you follow these steps:
- On the Managers tab, invite call center managers who will monitor performance during the trial, and IT managers who will help with installing the PC App
- On the Agents tab, you or a relevant call center manager should invite 20 or more agents to record their voice using the Web Mic Check to help determine which agents benefit the most from the solution, and using which setting (e.g. which voice for Accent Softening). Make sure agents record from their PC, not their cellphone, with a wired headset.
- Using the PC App Install instructions and the trial license key on the Licenses tab, have an IT Manager test the installation on a typical agent PC, to ensure there are not blockers (e.g. needing to configure the firewall)
Week 2 – Live Tests
- On the Agents tab, find the five agents that sound best of the 20 or more agents who recorded the Web Mic Check. Invite those five agents to install the PC App
- If testing Accent Softening, then have the five agents use the voice option preferred by each agent, or by their manager, while speaking to customers for a few days, enough to get a strong enough indication of an improvement compared to their normal performance
- If testing Noise Cancellation, then have the five agents be in their normal work environment, with its typical noises, while speaking to customers for a few days, enough to get a strong enough indication of an improvement compared to their normal performance
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