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Others Hear Echo on Calls

If the person hearing the accent softened voice can hear what they are saying echoed back then there are two possible fixes.

Solution 1: Set Comms App to use Speakers

In your communications app (e.g. Genesys or Zoom), open the Settings, and set the Speakers to Virtual Speakers (

Solution 2: Switch the Voice Used

In the PC App, under Soften Accent & Denoise switch the voice used to another voice. Then if you wish switch back to the original voice.

Solution 3: Lower the Speaker Volume

If the above solution does not fix the issue, then you can lower your speaker volume so your microphone does not pick up the sound in your ear from the other person on the call.

  • On Windows 11: Go to Settings > System > Sound > Volume Mixer. You will discover a convenient volume slider to manage your device’s sound.
  • On Windows 10: Right-click the volume icon in the Taskbar to open the Volume Mixer. Use the slider to adjust the volume level.

Solution 4: Have Observers Mute

If there are more than two participants on the call, have observers mute themselves to avoid echos.


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